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*Slight Spoiler*

(I’m using a translator, so any mistakes in my English are all Google’s fault.)

Considering how different Annie and Walter are, I think Walter needs a new name that starts with Z. (Sorry, I had to make this stupid joke because it just won’t leave my head.)

But seriously, when they were talking about guitars, it really made me sad. That was the moment I realized how different Annie and Walter are, and how if they could understand each other even a little, things wouldn’t have gotten so messed up.

I really enjoyed playing this game, and the art is beautiful! I really enjoyed every time a new CG came out. I can’t wait to play your next game!

Hii, I'm glad you think so! The fact that Annie and Walter refuse to understand each other is a big part of why things are so complicated. A shared bad trait of everyone here is that they are very self-absorbed. Thank you for playing ^_^

the game is amazing. i truly enjoyed playing it, it was a lot more than i expected! i fell in love with oliver, i love his character complex. i feel so bad for him though, he doesnt deserve all those bad things. overall i really liked the game, it has a speical place in my heart!! <3


Aw thank uuu that's so nice to hear T_T  I'm happy you liked it! 

hi! i was not aware of your game (figuratively) before playing this but it was amazing! its crazy to think this is your debut vn .... 

art was beautiful, the characters seemed real and the whole premise felt so raw, which is what made the vn so compelling. you rlly drew me in with your writing especially - you captured the sick and twisted nature of these twos relationship so well and it wouldnt have been the same story if you didnt pour so much effort into the diction. i hope you make more stuff like this in the future!

Hii, thank you a lot for your nice words... I think such a story requires a little more care so I spend a lot of time on it, especially since its my first big work. I'll be back with another tragedy next time! 

imma do fanarts like the world is ending tomorrow though i suck at drawing body, this game feels like watching your old and news bad an good experiences and both ends fells "right" though te "refuse" ending is the best to me, it s logical though the people that would tend to choose that ending are more emotional ones im sre, cuz you have to have loved the character and concept of annie and have hope she can be a reasonable person, so you choose refuse though the fater surely will crush annie s life if he s left alive cuz no one will belive her, if you do not trust her that way, you get the other ending, when you do not argue and fight with annie that much but in the end the accept ending is worse cuz you treat annie like a child, not like a equivalent in intelect or even in emotions, you love her alright so you fake things cuz that s a way of love, but that alone does not work to anytime of relationships, at least not forever, and that path unless you are not inestable, like, not like the protagonist, it will send you for a path of manipulation like we see at the end when he ask for money, not with so bad intention but not exactly as good intention as it shoul be in his ways. in other hand, through trusting annie, you get things messy, cuz, well, she s annie she s a mess like you, and she isnt the type that treats people like childs if you let them take the control for a bit, is more the type that pass the control and then ask if you can give it back, and that happens in all fights in that rute, but trusting her and you, and facing her and you, and the truth, you form a better, trusting and surely lasting long relationship, of bad and good love, of all romantic love. this is peak bro, in the accept ending you made a logical choice at least that appears logical if you do not care so much about annie, but the better choice is that if you want things to work, you need to trust and face things, annie being one of them, showing that if you do not considerer emotions of others and your owns in the party, you re not going to win and you re going to at least 1% probably drag the others down with you, and they will do with you if you do that. not just that the endings are that peak but i can talk about the friend that now i do not remember the name but god i loved that character, i loved the father also, i love all of the characters, but anyways, this is long enough to be talking about two more characters. i want to tell two thins more though, one is that i did see you in a comment i think of mr clockwork video of this game (i know this type of games for him, he s the goat for visual novels) that you put things of your life in it, but i love that you made it so good that me and other comments here and in youtube seems to feel that this game hit close to home, we all have done thins like this, not the murder, but the "youre mi child" actitud and the first steps of a relationship romantic or not, also the "i trust you i know you re better than this" actitud, the "nvm im going to ignore this important person to me i am depressed the person is depressed i want to fell sorry for myself i do not want to face thins and face my feelings telling what i think and feel to the person" and all of the other things that we see in the game. the situations are so specific yet so relatables to all, walter (i searched up his name again lol) even fell like so many of my friends,  i know that even the father to someone feel like his mother or father for sure, annd the other thing i want to say that is my only recomendation is that maybe you can add a little more ends, not in this game specifically but i refer in the future with more games, like, its peak that it depends of what percepcion you have of the girl and the situation you made a important decision, but i think is peak also if you add like, neutral accept, neutral refuse, and a way to go of neutral refuse to neutral accept, like you have the accept and refuse options, and once you pick one, later on the game, it appears 2 options, lets say you pick refuse, well one option leads to continue refuse rute, the other leads to be in the neutral refuse, that s like a refuse more passive, lets say in this example of this game, less action in the fight, to make it simply, and later when you are in the neutral refuse rute, you can add two more options, one being continue the refuse neutral ending, and other being going to accept neutral ending, of course it would be the same if you begin with accept option but with the opposite, but anyways, long text, the peak game deserves it, its peak, i love it, we love it, hope you do more thins like this in the future, peak, byebye

I AM SHIVERING, all the imagery makes me feeling terror and fear of what to comes, even when I'm editing it post-game. The story of happiness turning to dread, the way things are subtly hinted to burn is soooo good~ and the music mwah mwah

I can't wait to play more!!!


Hi, thanks for playing so far! I hope you're ready for a lot more... bad stuff 

Kool-aid!!! Can't wait I'm super excited!!!

Oh can I post more playthrough here in the comment if that's not a problem? If it is then I won't do it, forgot to ask that <3


I am super late to this aaa I'm sorry I haven't been on here in a while >_< But I saw you finished playing it on your channel and wanted to thank you! I'll try to check it out sometime 

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Yeeeeeeee np np np I enjoy playing it a lot!!! Its sooooo gooodddddd
Daniel being depicted as just a human who can destroys other people lives is just "Woah"


Hey there I played your beautifully dark and depressing game! Thanks for the warnings on the page front and center very helpful! Great character drama with AMAZING art, you did such a fantastic job and it really made me and my chat feel for the characters a lot whether it was sadness or anger at them or pity and even stress for them. You did a great job and I'd love to see more from you! Have a good one eh! Also to anyone curious the game is not lying or downplaying the warnings lol but I personally think it's worth it!

Aaa, I'd be lying if I said I was surprised because I've been anxiously peeking into the vods of you playing this the past days. I was extremely surprised you stuck with it till the end. I think I'll leave a more thorough comment on your Youtube, but thanks a lot!


Oh! I hope you know I would've played this in one sitting if I could, while I do try to stay away from longer games like this so my voice doesn't die, your game was just too good to skip. Anyways hope you have a good day then and plz if anything me and my chat said offends you I'm sorry we're stupid but we did love your game!


Naw don't worry I enjoyed watching you play, I can take a bit of humor despite what my very serious game may suggest lol. I'm happy you gave it a chance. Have a good one as well! 

AGHH the art in this is GORGEOUS and the backgrounds!

Thank u!! I worked on it for quite a bit so I'm glad 

I love the story you told... I like Annie  so much... I pray they can be happy after everything QAQ

Hii, thank u so much for playing... They deserve a lot better than the things that happened to them. I think somewhere they can be happy, in their own way 

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Thank you for replying me. I really hope things will get better for them! Thank you so much for making a nice game T^T.

(1 edit)

есть ли в этой новелле лгбт тема?  не могу  лгбт новеллы читать

Hello, yes, there are

это грустно, спасибо за ответ

Good job babe im so proud of you for uploading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

please don't private it again or the bonk will come down on you >:(


I'll try 

*disintegrates into a puddle*